Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Intellisense in Visual Studio 2010

This is very simple to get jQuery Intellisense in visual studio JS file. Steps include very easy instruction.
1. Drag jQuery-1.4.1.js from SolutionExplorer of project to top of the JS file.
When you will start using $(document).ready( ) you will be able to get function parameter and other things.

Happy Living……..
Happy Coding……….
Happy Concepts……….

Friday, May 4, 2012

Access denied by caller on call of cally

Access denied by caller on call of Cally

I got this issue while i was trying to access parent pages tags into child.

scenario : Both pages exist in different folder. Folder may be readonly.

so if we will try to get properties of parent page that exists in differnt folder then we might need to check readonly access of file , some its on page level or folder level.
JUST by removing the readonly access of file/folder we will be able to remove the error.

Happy Coding...
Happy Concepts...
Happy Programming ...