Saturday, December 17, 2011

Speed up query or Stored procedure in sql server 2005 or 2008

Speed up query or Stored procedure in sql server 2005 or 2008

Way to optimize your query or stored procedure:

1. We can use Sql perfomance tuner under Tool's in menu bar. we just need to provide script file or database object like sp to get suggestion from sql server 2005.
Mostly it will ask to add index and statistics into tables.

2. We can also use Estimated Plan to check if our query missing any index or statistics on a table.

Happy Living...
Happy Coding...
Happy Concepts...


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Open Modal Popup in different Browsers

In Windows Internet Explorer supports a direct method to open a modal pop using

window.showModalDialog("popupModel.html") ;


To get more information on window.showModalDialog(xxxxxxxxxxx)  visit:

We have one advantage with showModalDialog that we can pass arguments to Modal popup.

But other Browser doesnt support it and they have there own way to implement it by passing an additonal property model=yes with Window.Open() method.'popupModal.html','name',
'height=255,width=250,toolbar=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no ,modal=yes');

function popupModalWin() {
if (window.showModalDialog) {
else {','popupModelWindowName',
'height=255,width=250,toolbar=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no ,modal=yes');

Happy Living...
Happy Coding...
Happy Concepts....

Thursday, December 8, 2011

"HTTP Error 404 - File or Directory not found" error with windows server 2003 message when you request dynamic content with IIS 5.0 and IIS 6.0

"HTTP Error 404 - File or Directory not found" error message when you request dynamic content with IIS 6.0

Changes required in webExtension for to allow Activeserverpage and other page based on our application for example for its ActiveServerPage. Just allow to access these pages through server.
And magically its done :).
Use Below link for more information:

By default only static content HTML is enabled in windows server 2003 family when IIS is installed on any version of the its family.

So enable web server extensions.

Happy Living....
Happy Coding.....
Happy Concepts .....

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Right place to put Response.Redirect

One of my Friend was encountered with this a issue in security auditing where redirect wasn't working as expected.

Actual issue:

He was new with so instead of using form authentication/authorization he used simple session to maintain logged in user. so on each page he was checking if session contain valid information like user name and role to access internal page. If it doesn't exists the user redirected to log in page.
               For a normal user it was fine it was working as it should but for hacker it contain where while looking pages response into some tool she will be able to see response code 302 change(redirect response code) and body of undisplayed page. Just by changing status code to 302 change to 200 OK she was able to see the page in browser. and by sending it again server it can lead to other exception or other uses are also possible.

// some code to check authenticate/authorize user
if (failed)
// continue with page

Suggested Solution:

Page_Load is state where our page is already loaded so there isn't any benefit of using false (which indicates not to load page control).

So better place to put validation code is OnInit() method:

// some code to check authenticate/authorize user
if (failed)
// continue with page

So i suggested him to put it on OnInit and i dont know if its working. I am waiting for his response :).

Happy Living, Happy Coding.

Yashpal Sharma

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Split a Value in SqlSever

If we want values in the from of individual text so we can use following way:
1. If we have a text value combination so here is the way to separate these 2 values :

Declare @CompositeValue as Varchar(500)
set @CompositeValue='Text_Value'

Select Substring(@CompositeValue,0,CharIndex('_,@CompositeValue,1')) as Text

Select Substring(@CompositeValue,CharIndex('_,@CompositeValue,1')+1,Len(@CompositeValue)) as Value

2. There is another way to get split-ed value in a form of table :

/****** Object:  UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[Split]    Script Date: 05/10/2012 20:30:30 ******/


    @String nvarchar(max),
    @Delimiter char(1)
returns @Results TABLE (ID int identity, Item nvarchar(4000))
   declare @index int
   declare @slice nvarchar(max)

   select @index = 1
   if @String is null return

   while @index != 0
        select @index = charindex(@Delimiter,@String)
          if @index !=0
           select @slice = left(@String,@index - 1)
             select @slice = @String

          insert into @Results(Item) values(ltrim(rtrim(@slice)))

          select @String = right(@String,len(@String) - @index)
          if len(@String) = 0 break

Happy Living , Happy Coding 
Yashpal Sharma

Remove Caching of a Html Page

Remove Caching from a Html Page is an easy work but if it has been done in a right way.
So remove caching form Html page we need to add a few basic tags on Head Part of Html document

<Meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0">
<Meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="No-Cache">
<Meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="No-Cache">

This the thing we mostly do to remove caching , by inserting following meta tags into header part or Html page:

<Meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0">
<Meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="No-Cache">
<Meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="No-Cache">

Actual Happening:

But what actual happen in this case , A page that Internet Explorer is browsing is not cached until half of the 64 KB buffer is filled. In most cases we enter metadata in header tag so when page is parsed it start form top to bottom. While it read meta tag for no caching it checks in temporyfolder to remove if page exists. but not at the end of page.

So what we should do to ensure we are not supporting caching of our html page, we must  add meta tags at
the bottom of the page here is the example.

<Meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0">
<Meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="No-Cache">
<Meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="No-Cache">
Here is the content can not be cached.
<Meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0">
<Meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="No-Cache">
<Meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="No-Cache">

Happy Living , Happy Coding

Yashpal Sharma

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Important field : document.body.clientHeight

Cover the entire page (scrolled) heigth of window use following line


If we use window.Height it wont cover the entire page.

Condition Based Count in Sqlserver- CountIf()

I have been wondering if there is a way to count records based on conditions ,

something like countif() we can use


EnumId EnumTypeCode

1 code1

2 code2

3 code3


TransactionId TransactionTypeId EnumId AmountPaid

1 1 1 200

2 1 2 400

3 1 1 300

if in output we want something like this get the count of code1 , code2 and code3 per transactionTypeId .

TransactionTypeId Code1 Code2 Code3

1 2 1 0

if we need the output mentioned above we must need a condition based Count so for this purpose one of the way i got on net is below:

Declare @code1 int

Declare @code2 int

Declare @code3 int

set @code1 =1

set @code2 =2

set @code3=3

select TransactionId, sum ( case when isnull (Enumid,0)=@code1 then 1 else 0 End ) as Code1,

sum(case when isnull(Enumid,0)=@code2 then 1 else 0 End) as Code2

, sum(case when isnull(Enumid,0)=@code3 then 1 else 0 End) as Code3

From Transactions

Group by TransactionId


Yashpal Sharma

Wants to be happy, Dont expect anything to anyone.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Call parent window methods form dialog popup window

Main form code:

fuction openPopup()
var argObj= window;
function CallMe()
alert("This is Parent Window");

function callParentMethod()
var objArg= window.dialogArguments;
objArg.CallMe(); // objArg.CallMe is equilent to window.CallMe()

this was one way but we have one limitation with it because modal dialog box can have only 4096 characters; longer strings are truncated. So if argObj is larger it can affect our height and width property.

Other way is to use Result send by child.html(popup Modal)
For Ex:

fuction openPopup()
var argObj= window;
var dialogResult=window.showModelDialog("child.html",argObj,"dialogHeight:500px;dialogWidth:500px");
// once child window has been closed
alert( dialogResult.firstVar);
alert( dialogResult.secondVar);
CallMe() ;

function CallMe()
alert("This is Parent Window");

// On Close
function callParentMethod()
 var resultVariable;
 resultVariable.firstVar='';//set some values if required
 resultVariable.secondVar='';//set some values if required
result.callMe=" call it ";// if you wants to call method of parent window otherwise you can remove this statement

 window.result= resultVariable;

Happy Living ....
Happy Coding...
Happy Concepts........

Monday, August 15, 2011

jQuery tips & tricks

jQuery tips and tricks:-

I am new in jquery but there are several things i learnt during implementation of jQuery into projects ( MVC).

1. Disable vs Readonly:-
we can not send Disable controls value to server so for this purpose, we have readonly property and as it is the part of jQuery so it is control independent property.

2. each vs chaining

we have 2 option to associate a particular action to set of controls returned by selector
a) use Intrator method to assign action to each value or
$(".txtbxClass").each(function(index){ $(this).click(function (){ this.value+="txtbxClass";}););

b) we can use chaining and assign all actions in a single statement.
$(".txtbxClass").click(function (){ this.value+="txtbxClass";});
Both statement will work in similar way!!!!!!!!!!
but the second option is more clean code and easy to understand.


Function in Java script

Function in javascript:

DataType : Function is a datatype in javascript as other datatype like var,string and date.
function checktype()

As mentioned above function is datatype so we can assign function to variable, pass function as parameter to a function and can return as value.

var funVal= function add(n1,n2)
return n1+n2;



function addValues(n1,n2)
return function(){
return n1+n2;

var retFnc= addValues(8,9);


function addvalues(fns,fnr,n1,n2)
function fns(){
print("Execution start:");
function fnr()
print ("Execution end:");


Because function is datatype there are some methods associated with it:
1. call
2. apply

1) call takes 1or more than one parameter as calling parameters

function addValues(n1,n2)
return n1,n2;

2) apply is different for call as if there is no of parameter is not fixed better approach is to use apply method.

function addValues()

for(var i=0;i


addValues.apply(null, [34,31,23,45]);

One more thing is associated with function that i would like to talk is context we are also able to use context inside javascript function.

var thisContext= { val=0;}

function addValue(n1)
return this.val+n1;


is the way use controls in jQuery.

$("#btnOk").click(function {

Happy Programming :)
Let knowledge flow like water!!!!!!!!!!!!!